Powderpuff  wearing a red PEIKO® QuickLeash™  harness in the mountains


Find us at the city park or next to the busiest shop in town during your daily walks and discover how PEIKO® can make your life easier.

Girl with a vizsla wearing a gray PEIKO® QuickLeash™ collar in the city
Whether a short or a long walk on the streets, in a park, the QuickLeash™ will be there to help you when you need to hold or lead your dog for a short time.

QuickLeash™ will come in handy when your dog walks disciplined, but the situation is such that you have to hold your dog for a while.

Just grab, lead then release.

Enjoy freedom, durability and readiness of the QuickLeash™ on our harnesses and collars in your daily life.


PEIKO® Dogwear rubber logo
Peiko® lab constantly working on new ideas and tools which will make your together-time with your pet fun, safe, and joyful

Currently 4 more main and 12 side products are on the way